They Like Big Butts They’re Called P-Z-I!

30 Jun

Shopping on the high street is rarely an enjoyable or happy experience for me. I have to find things that cover my legs to the knee, cover my arms or can be worn with a cardi, are not too high-necked, fit around my boobs and fit over my bum. It is little wonder that I am addicted to shopping online at specialist stores.

One major issue I have is finding jeans. Jeggings are all very well and I own a fair few pairs from Evans as I find their size 16 ones fit me perfectly, but they are not always ideal and I often have to re adjust them to stop them slipping down and off my plump rump. It was after a frustrating shopping trip that I googled ‘jeans for big bottoms’ and came across PZI Jeans. It took me a while to work out my size but after watching a few videos and reading a few reviews I went for a size 16 and ordered two pairs. The cost of them and the shipping is not cheap, but I was desperate for something that didn’t look like this:

And so my first two pairs turned up. A snug fit but wow, they went over my bottom and I didn’t need a belt!!! I then went onto order 3 more pairs, all in a 16 and couldn’t have been happier! One pair was so long that I decided to turn them into some cropped jeans which worked well. As I have lost a bit of weight I have found some styles to be quite forgiving and need a belt but they are still the best jeans ever, the Bravissimo of bums, I love PZI!
They are not cheap and ordering online is always a risk but when you find the right size it is so worth it! Check out their Facebook page for deals and advice and give them a go!

I would highly recommend checking out Sophia’s review of them as she is also a convert since I introduced her to them (and she has a great bum!)

11 Responses to “They Like Big Butts They’re Called P-Z-I!”

  1. Nicola Foyle July 3, 2011 at 12.53 #

    I really think I need to order some of these jeans – currently wearing a size 14 GAP jean mainly due to hip measurement – I could not get size 12 over my hips but now the 14 is too loose on the waist and I need a belt or keep pulling them up every five minutes.

    How much was shipping as they do not directly say on the website?

    Also how do you find the straight leg jeans on the calves? I have big calves due to dancing and find straight leg jeans really tight sometimes.


    Nic x

    • fullerfigurefullerbust July 3, 2011 at 12.53 #

      Oh I feel your pain!!!
      The ship was around £30 but there was no FedEx aftercharge so I was happy with that. It took a while to get them though.
      I have massive calves – I have to buy Evans boots to get em in! But I found them good, same as regular skinny jeans just with my bum inside!
      I hope this helps?xx

  2. Nicola Foyle July 4, 2011 at 12.53 #

    Yes that does help. Postage seems very steep though especially if they do not come quick! Currently in Australia so I bet the postage will be about the same and I am not sure how much longer I will wear jeans. But this may definitely be an option once I am back in the UK.


    • fullerfigurefullerbust July 4, 2011 at 12.53 #

      To me it seemed ok as I have posted things around the world and know it can be pricey – this is reliable and couriered and I am happy for the peace of mind. It could be better but I just looove the jeans.
      Dammit, so jealous o you being in Oz x

  3. Nicola July 7, 2011 at 12.53 #

    Do not be too jealous currently in melbourne where it is very wet and horrid at the minute. Its all part of a career break.

    I just think its a lot of money still when my mum has sent things from the UK and I know it cost less then 10 pounds and a lot of shops will ship for about that price (including bravissimo) from the UK to Australia. Still think this may be an option if I struggle to get jeans again when I get back to the jeans plus I know I should make an effort to loose weight as I put nearly a stone when my dad died last year. But hey ho.


    • fullerfigurefullerbust July 8, 2011 at 12.53 #

      I am sorry to hear that lovely 😦

      Keep it as an option yes, the sales are usually pretty good and the jeans are very well made so it is worth it – or so me and my finally tucked away love handles and bum crack think :p

      Enjoy Melbs, I hope the four seasons stuff switches to summer soon for you x

  4. Sam February 29, 2012 at 12.53 #

    Personally I can’t find any jeans that don’t squish my booty if they fit my waist and thighs. I love Levi’s Curve ID jeans but they only make one pair in a size that fits me…they need to expand their sizes…they are fabulous jeans. As much as I love dresses and skirts…I’d love to wear more pants D:.

  5. lissete June 10, 2012 at 12.53 #

    I had to share a very awesome post about why jeans have no butt room ,

  6. Tara G July 2, 2013 at 12.53 #

    If you’re in Australia, City Chic does the best jeans – they’re higher waisted than normal, and some even have adjustable waists (like the kiddies pants) – sounds silly but when you have a big bum and smaller waist (as I do) its a godsend. At ~$90 they’re not too badly priced either. City Chic did launch in the US last year, but I can’t find the website (phone keeps forcing me to the AU site), but maybe they ship to the UK?


  1. Getting Waisted « fullerfigurefullerbust - October 12, 2011

    […] I have mentioned I have trouble finding jeans that fit me due to my large bum. I usually stick to jeggings and my […]

  2. Clothing Your Curves: Suggestions for Fuller Bums, Part 1 | Sweet Nothings - August 29, 2012

    […] modeled by beautifully curvy women.  There’s also a small selection of tops and tees.  Georgina, Sophia, and June (who got to visit the PZI Jeans Denim Suite) have all reviewed different styles […]

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